Where’s my order?
Parts that are in stock are typically shipped within 1-3 business days.
Parts that are NOT in stock will have longer shipping times.
Wheels that are in stock are typically shipped within 1-3 weeks.
Will I receive tracking information after I place my order?
Yes, each order will receive tracking information via DHL
If I have a backordered item will it automatically ship out?
Yes, if you have a backordered item, rest assured that it will automatically ship out as soon as the item becomes available and is ready for dispatch. We will include detailed shipping information with your order confirmation, so you’ll be informed about when to expect the shipment.
How do I get my tracking link to work
When will out of stock items be in stock again?
Each item will be in stock again as soon as possible. The best way to be notified of items becoming in stock again is to input your email on the website under the item you are interested in to subscribe to updates on that specific item.
If I subscribe to receive updates on a specific item, does that guarantee that I will be able to purchase that item?
No. Each person who subscribes to updates for out of stock items will be notified when the item is in stock again. You must still purchase the item before items go out of stock again.